Sorry for the lack of posts; I find I like vlogging(video blogging) better then blogging.So I decided I wanted to take some time and actually think about what I want to accomplish during this new year...Goals that I can actually complete without killing myself over. Here are just a couple that came to mind:
-Go to the gym more often
(How original I know!) But I really want to try and go preferably 2x's a week for an hour each time. While at the gym I want to focus on toning my legs/stomach and build strength.
-Which obviously leads into my next goal: EATING HEALTHIER!
I used to eat basically healthy but ever since around Thanksgiving time I've been eating whatever I want and not going to the gym! I'll let it slide cause it was the holidays, but now those days are over! I want to start eating all natural foods and less processed ones. I want to cut back on fried foods (which means no fries at work), more lean meat, use "low-fat" products and cut back on drinks that have high fructose corn syrup in them. Basically I just need to have a food makeover!
-Clean more
My room is never really dirty,but I need to occasionally keep up with dusting/organizing and wiping down my mirror
-4.0 GPA
I know it's asking for a lot to obtain straight A's...but I'm determined! I always end up with a 3.8 average but this quarter it's going to be less facebook and more studying!
-Read a Novel every other month
I love reading and lately I've finished almost 4 books, but it's hard to read books I like outside of school in between work,bf,friends,hw.
-Give more to those less fortunate
No explanation needed:)
I can't really think of anymore goals off the top of my head; I guess I'll just have to keep updating this;)
What are your New Year's resolutions?
xo Ty