Thursday, 9 September 2010

Over hyped? L.A. colors

So I've heard a lot of hype over these pallates because for a dollar, the shadows are very pigmented, large and pretty good quality. I would say the shadows are another great addition to the loved ELF shadows, however ELF shadows are a little softer, but the size of the shadow is also a lot smaller.
   I only have one L.A. shadows pallate which is in Hipnotic. I picked this up awhile ago at my dollar tree, and haven't really used it all that much because the colors in the pallate are blue, and I barely wear colored shadows anymore.
For a dollar, the number(6) and size of the shadows (0.14 oz) is a great deal! The colors aren't as smooth and are a little chalky,but for a dollar, you really can't go wrong! I love the blues for eyeliner! I do like all the colors but the white one. The white shadow is very chunky and chalky! Yuck!

 Here's a couple swatches:
Whats your favorite L.A. colors pallates?

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